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Why You Might Regret Skipping Bear World on Your Next Trip to Yellowstone

Why You Might Regret Skipping Bear World on Your Next Trip to Yellowstone

Most of the visitors in Rexburg, Idaho have travelled here for one reason and one reason only: Yellowstone National Park. And for good reason—the park is beautiful, expansive, and teeming with wildlife. You won’t soon forget your experience at Yellowstone. But there’s one other attraction in the area you won’t want to miss: Yellowstone Bear World. You could probably come up with several reasons as to why Bear World won’t fit into your Yellowstone vacation, but...

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Yellowstone Wildlife Spotlight: Moose

Yellowstone Wildlife Spotlight: Moose

The English-speaking world may forever wonder why a group of moose are not called “meese.” It could be because you won’t often find these massive animals roaming in groups of any kind. According to Animal Diversity Web of the University of Michigan, moose are one of the least social animals. But that all changes around autumn when mating—or rutting—season begins. During this time of year, a dominant male moose, or a bull, will gather a harem of females for...

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Yellowstone Bear World: Experience Adventure!

Yellowstone Bear World: Experience Adventure!

Planning a vacation to Yellowstone National Park is exciting. The famous landscape doesn’t disappoint as you explore the scenic splendor of spectacular forests and natural wonders. One sight that everyone hopes to see while traveling in Yellowstone are the animals, most particular the bears. If your visit lacks these much anticipated views, don’t wallow in the disappointment any longer. Yellowstone Bear World is your must stop wildlife park so you won’t miss these...

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Make Your Summer Vacation Cooler than Your Neighbor’s with Yellowstone Bear World Activities

Make Your Summer Vacation Cooler than Your Neighbor’s with Yellowstone Bear World Activities

The school year is coming to a close and everyone is starting to ask the same question, “What are you doing this summer?” You don’t want to be that person who sits at home all summer watching reruns of Friends (although that is a great show). You don’t want to be that kid in class who has nothing to write about for their summer vacation report in August. You don’t want to be the one who answers everyone’s question with “Nothing much.” Instead, be the...

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Can I Please Feed the Animals?

Can I Please Feed the Animals?

When you come visit Yellowstone Bear World, you’ll see lots of exciting wildlife—and lots of “Please Don’t Feed the Wildlife” signs. While that motto has become a funny photo-op or t-shirt print, we aren’t joking when we say it. Feeding the wildlife around Yellowstone can pose a serious threat to both you and the animals. What’s All the Fuss About? When you give a wild animal a piece of your granola bar, there are consequences far beyond the fact that you...

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Your Next Family Vacation

Your Next Family Vacation

Family vacations: stuffing more coolers and bags than you knew you owned into every open spot in the car; squinting your eyes at every street sign to be the first one to find Q in the alphabet game; waking up in a position you didn’t think you could sleep in. We all remember our best family trips for years afterward, and we want to create those same cherished memories for our own kids. If you’re searching for an unforgettable vacation, look no further than...

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Yellowstone Wildlife Spotlight: Gray Wolf

Yellowstone Wildlife Spotlight: Gray Wolf

Next up in our series of animal spotlights, we have the gray wolf. Like many other Yellowstone animals, gray wolves faced extinction at one point in history. But in recent years their packs have a made a comeback in Alaska, Canada, northern Washington, northern Idaho, northern Montana, northeast Minnesota, and of course, Yellowstone. The gray wolf is an important predator in its ecosystems. It balances animal populations by hunting moose, caribou, deer, and smaller...

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Yellowstone Wildlife Spotlight: American Bison

Yellowstone Wildlife Spotlight: American Bison

Here at Bear World, you’ll find a variety of Yellowstone wildlife. Probably one of the most notable (beside the bears of course) is the American bison—or as many people know them, buffalo. Bison are the hulking herd animals of Yellowstone, roaming in groups across the grasslands. Bulls grow up to be around six feet tall and twelve feet long while cows are five feet tall and eight feet long. With dimensions like that, these bison can weigh up to 2,000...

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The Super Sniffers

You may have heard the surprising statistic that a bear’s sense of smell is seven times greater than that of a bloodhound (which can already pick out smells 1,000 times better than a human being). Bears are leagues ahead of us when it comes to sniffing out mates, danger, and most importantly, food. While you might be able to detect fresh baked chocolate chip cookies when you walk into your home, bears can catch the scent of their prey from a few miles away—or around...

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How Do Bears Spend the Winter?

With the approaching winter, you may be looking forward to ice-skating, hot chocolate, knitted scarves, snowball fights, and gift-giving. Or you might be dreading scraping off your car in the morning before work. Either way, you have a pretty good idea of how you will spend your winter months. But what about bears? Do you know how these famous animals will spend the season? Hibernation…? Thanks to decades of cartoons and movies, we all think of bears as soon as we...

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