Make Your Summer Vacation Cooler than Your Neighbor’s with Yellowstone Bear World Activities
The school year is coming to a close and everyone is starting to ask the same question, “What are you doing this summer?” You don’t want to be that person who sits at home all summer watching reruns of Friends (although that is a great show). You don’t want to be that kid in class who has nothing to write about for their summer vacation report in August. You don’t want to be the one who answers everyone’s question with “Nothing much.” Instead, be the neighbor who returns from a week-long vacation with enough Facebook photos to fill all your friends’ news feeds for the whole summer. Where are you going to take these photos? The answer is simple: Yellowstone Bear World. With all of the unforgettable activities we offer, you’ll take home as many memories as you do selfies.
Curator Tours
Part of any Yellowstone vacation is seeing wild animals in their natural habitats—a sight you probably can’t get back in your hometown. On our curator tours, you can watch Rocky Mountain Elk, American Bison, Timber Wolves, Arctic Wolves, Black Bears, and Grizzly Bears up close from the safety of our vehicles. There’s no better way to have a real wildlife experience in Yellowstone. This is also the only way you can feed adult bears in the area. Think about how awesome that story will be for all of your classmates in fall: you fed a real, live grizzly bear.

Our tours are only one of the amazing activities available to you at Yellowstone Bear World. If dangling food in front of full-grown bears isn’t really your thing, you can settle in for a bottle-feeding session with our cubs. This is one of the most popular activities in the Yellowstone area, and for good reason. Where else can you hand feed baby bears? Because this attraction is so popular among our guests, be sure to call ahead for an appointment. You don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
What Are You Doing this Summer?
With these adventures waiting for you at Yellowstone Bear World, you probably know now what you’re doing this summer. We promise to make your vacation cooler than season 7 of Friends. Give us a call to make your reservation today.