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What Does Bear Poop Look Like?

Black bear scat typically smells like a slightly fermented version of whatever the bear consumed. If the bear’s diet consists primarily of strawberries, acorns, or nuts, the scent will be relatively pleasant compared to the odor if the bear mainly eats meat. But besides the smell, what does bear poop look like? Being able to identify bear scat can alert you to any bears in the area the next time you’re in bear country.

Black Bear Scat

Black bear scat is commonly found at the base of plants, trees, or along trails. It is tubular and somewhat similar to human feces, though larger, measuring about 1.5-2.5 inches in width and 5-12 inches in length.

  • Shape and Size: Black bear scat often resembles a loose “cow pile,” especially if the bear has been heavily feeding on berries and fruits. It has a slightly tapered shape with blunt ends, similar to human feces.
  • Color: The color of black bear scat depends on their diet. For example, if the bear primarily feeds on grass, the scat will be green. A mixed diet results in scat colors ranging from brown to black.
  • Content: The contents of black bear scat vary by season. In the spring and early summer, scat may consist mainly of insect parts and vegetation. During berry season, scat is filled with seeds and berries. As omnivores, black bear scat can also contain remains of small animals or moose calves.

Grizzly Bear Scat

While grizzly bear scat shares similarities with black bear scat, it is often larger, measuring about 2 inches or more in width.

  • Shape and Size: If grizzly bears primarily consume meat and some berries, their scat is often moist, black, and quite smelly. It is tubular and fibrous, similar to black bear scat.
  • Color: Like black bear scat, the color of grizzly bear scat changes with their diet. A diet heavy in grass results in green scat.
  • Content: Grizzly bears, also omnivores, produce scat that may contain berries, roots, tubers, vegetation, and remains from elk, sheep, mountain goats, moose, and cutworm moth parts.

Other Signs of Bears

In addition to bear droppings, bears often leave behind other markers such as tracks and tree markings:

  • Tracks: Bears leave an oval-shaped toe print of their wide heel pad with five rounded toes. Bear tracks are larger than those of other animals and are easily visible on dusty trails or in mud.
  • Tree Markings: Bears tend to leave fur, bite marks, and claw marks on trees as they climb to access nuts or fruits.

Visit Yellowstone Bear World Today

A holiday vacation to the Grand Teton National Park or Yellowstone National Park isn’t complete without a wild adventure at Yellowstone Bear World. Now that you know how to identify bear scat, you can keep an eye out for grizzlies and black bears on your next trip. For more information on how you can tour the park, contact us at (208) 359-9688.

Embark on an unforgettable journey to Yellowstone Bear World and gain a deeper understanding of the majestic bears and other wildlife that inhabit this extraordinary ecosystem.


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