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Where Do Bears Originate From?

Bears are some of the most influential animals in the world. They can be found everywhere from Canada to Russia and even live outside North America in places like Mexico and Costa Rica. Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Still, their diet is primarily made up of plant life when it’s available because they have a slower metabolism than other animals. But where did these giant creatures come from in the first place? Let’s find out.

Where Do Grizzly Bears Come From?

Grizzly bears are named for their distinctive coat of brown fur, a combination of black and white hairs. They get this name from the Native American word “grizzly,” meaning “grizzled” or “fear-inspiring.” The grizzly bear looks a lot like the brown bear, and the only difference is in size. The grizzly bear is smaller than its brown bear counterpart. Grizzly bears are found chiefly in Alaska, and they usually live where vegetation is available year-round.

Grizzly bears were once plentiful across most of North America. Today, they can be found in a limited range, including the United States, Canada, and a small portion of Mexico. While traditional brown bear populations have been reduced or eliminated from much of its historical range, one subspecies known as the Kodiak bear remains abundant throughout its range.

How is the Current Population?

The grizzly population estimates are at 50,000 animals in North America. 

  • This number is down from the 1990s when the population was estimated at around 100,000 grizzly bears. Of that 50,000, only about 1200 grizzly bears are in the lower-48 states of the United States. While the population is not in danger of extinction, it is still vital to protect these animals.
  • About 35,000 grizzly bears live in Canada. Most of these animals live on the coast of British Columbia and islands such as Vancouver Island. While population numbers there remain steady, grizzlies can be almost anywhere across the country if vegetation is available for them to eat.
  • Grizzly bears also dwell on small, isolated areas of the far east coast of Russia. These animals are listed as endangered, meaning they are on the brink of extinction. To protect these remaining species, bear hunting has been banned over much of their habitat.

How Do Grizzly Bears Hibernate?

Hibernation is an integral part of the grizzly bear’s life. This is because there are not a lot of food sources available to them in their winter habitat, so they must rely on their fat reserves for energy. During hibernation, bears sleep most of the time and only eat once or twice before coming out of hibernation.

It is the only time of the year when bears eat a decent amount of food and put on weight. During winter, grizzlies continue to eat and may even become more active than during summer. If food is available, these bears will eat as much as possible before hibernating for the year.

Bears are some of the most potent animals globally and can be found in many different places around the globe. It’s crucial to protect these creatures. One way to help protect bears is by understanding where they come from and how they live.

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