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How Many Bears are Left in the World?

When was the last time you saw a real bear? On the television or the park? In case you have not noticed, their numbers are reducing by the day. Blame it on human activities such as deforestation and encroachment in the forests, and all their species are facing threats to their populations. Still, there is no reason for an alarm. Yellowstone bear world will let you discover the few existing bears you have always wanted to see. Here are some cool facts about bears that are left in the world.

Eight Species of Bears

At present, there are eight species of bears spread across the world, and all of them are facing threats of extinction. They include Sloth Bear, Sun Bear, American Black Bear, Spectacled Bear, Brown Bear, Asian Black Bear, Giant Panda, and the Polar Bear. They belong to the group of mammals under the family Ursidae. They can be spotted in all the continents of the world except Antarctica and Australia.

Two Unique Layers

Ever wondered why bears rarely freeze even in cold weather conditions? Well, their coat is made up of two layers. The shorter coat insulates it against the weather, while the longer coat prevents the water from reaching the short coat. This makes a perfect survival solution for them.


Naturally, bears are omnivores that enjoy the taste of honey. They can eat anything from seals, berries, insects, fruits to bamboo sticks. Sloth bears have an extraordinary appetite for termites thanks to their ferocious eating habits. Brown bears in Alaska, on the other hand, enjoy gorging on spawning salmon by yanking them out of water or catching them from the air as they jump.

Protect Their Territories

Bears are natural hunters and this ignites their fear of losing their natural habitats to agriculture and encroachment. This means that there may be human-wildlife conflict. Bears may be poached for their skins, or paws. When bears sense danger, they may respond with aggressive attacks on humans.

Biting Force

Bears can tear apart anything they want to eat or attack, with their biting force of over 1200 PSI. For instance, a bowling ball is not too hard for them to crack. This explains why they can chew on sea creatures like seals.

High IQ

Did you know that bears cover their tracks to protect themselves from hunters? An animal that is capable of doing so can be considered highly intelligent. It is no wonder they are hard to poach, unlike other land animals.

Get Up-Close and Personal With The Wildlife at Yellowstone Bear World

How does a wildlife excursion sound for you? Would it not be great to get up-close and personal with the wildlife at Yellowstone Bear World? Seeing the different species of bears is not the only thing you will be doing. You get to go on a wildlife excursion, bottle-feed the cubs, and gain access to the Three Bears Gift shop. It is a perfect place for campers, sightseers and nature enthusiasts. Book online or call 208.359.9688 for reservations today.

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