Myth #4: Bears can’t run downhill
Posted by Bear World on Nov 1, 2010 in Blog | Comments Off on Myth #4: Bears can’t run downhill

There is a well-known myth that says that if you’re being chased by a bear, then you should run downhill because bears can’t run downhill. The myth justifies this conclusion by saying that a bears front legs are shorter than it’s hind legs, so it can’t run downhill. This is FALSE. Bears can outrun you no matter where you try to run. They can run just as fast downhill as...
Read MoreMyth #3: If a Bear is standing on its hind legs, then it is getting ready to charge you….run!!!
Posted by Bear World on Oct 22, 2010 in Blog | Comments Off on Myth #3: If a Bear is standing on its hind legs, then it is getting ready to charge you….run!!!

This myth couldn’t be more false. Bears can see, hear, and smell better standing up than they can when they are down on all four legs. So when they are standing up they are just trying to see what is in front of them. Cubs especially stand up a lot just to see over the grass. However, there are signs that do indicate that a bear is going to attack. Those signs include: direct eye contact,...
Read MoreMyth #2: If charged by a Bear, climb a tree
Posted by Bear World on Oct 19, 2010 in Blog | Comments Off on Myth #2: If charged by a Bear, climb a tree

This one is relatively simple to answer…. Bears are actually excellent climbers! Black Bears are the better climbers between Black Bears and Grizzlies, but Grizzlies can also climb trees, just not as fast as a Black Bear. Moral of the story: don’t climb a tree if a bear charges you…they’ll follow you up there, and then you’ll be stuck up a tree with a bear!
Read MoreMyth #1: Bears have bad eyesight
Posted by Bear World on Oct 15, 2010 in Blog | Comments Off on Myth #1: Bears have bad eyesight

This is actually a common misconception. Yes, bears do have an amazing sense of smell, but it does not make up for a lack of vision because they actually have excellent eyesight. Bears can see just as well as humans do during the daytime, but it is during the night that their fantastic vision pulls out all the stops. Like your family’s dog or cat, bears have amazing night vision. There is a...
Read MoreA Brief Background
Posted by Bear World on Sep 26, 2010 in Blog | Comments Off on A Brief Background

What does Yellowstone Bear World have to offer you may wonder…well how about a petting zoo full of adorable animals that just want some attention? Animals that aren’t usually found in petting zoos…Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer, Pigs, Turkeys, Chickens, Baby Deer, and Peacocks to boot! Besides the animals in the petting zoo, there are also six baby bear cubs who are just begging for...
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