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The Super Sniffers

You may have heard the surprising statistic that a bear’s sense of smell is seven times greater than that of a bloodhound (which can already pick out smells 1,000 times better than a human being). Bears are leagues ahead of us when it comes to sniffing out mates, danger, and most importantly, food. While you might be able to detect fresh baked chocolate chip cookies when you walk into your...

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How Do Bears Spend the Winter?

With the approaching winter, you may be looking forward to ice-skating, hot chocolate, knitted scarves, snowball fights, and gift-giving. Or you might be dreading scraping off your car in the morning before work. Either way, you have a pretty good idea of how you will spend your winter months. But what about bears? Do you know how these famous animals will spend the season? Hibernation…? Thanks...

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The Iconic Teddy Bear

What do America’s 26th president and a large, lumbering omnivore have in common? They both passed their names on to a small, cuddly creation we know as the Teddy bear. Across the globe, both children and adults recognize the Teddy bear even over a century after its invention. You probably remember snuggling one yourself as a kid—or maybe just last night. But why do we call them Teddy bears?...

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The word “grizzly” in its name refers to “grizzled” or grey hairs in its fur, but when naturalist George Ord formally named the bear in 1815, he misunderstood the word as “grisly”. The grizzly bear is a subspecies of the brown bear. A pronounced muscular hump occurs on their shoulders which strengthens their front limbs for digging and running. Grizzlies can...

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Elk (Cervus elaphus)

Elk (Cervus elaphus)

Bull = Male adult; Cow = Female adult; Calf = baby; Spike = Yearling male Calves are Typically born in late May through early June and are born spotted and scentless An elks diet consists mostly of grasses, forbs, shrubs, tree bark, and twigs An elk’s stomach has four chambers: the first stores food, and the other three digest it Antlers = Only male elk have antlers; Bulls shed and grow a...

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Also known as the American buffalo (although it isn’t related to the true buffalo). Due to their large size few predators attack bison. However, wolf packs can take down a bison. There are even documented cases of a single wolf taking down bison The bison’s main food is grass. The rutting, or mating, season lasts from June through September with peak activity in July and August. At...

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