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Elk (Cervus elaphus)

Elk (Cervus elaphus)

Bull = Male adult; Cow = Female adult; Calf = baby; Spike = Yearling male Calves are Typically born in late May through early June and are born spotted and scentless An elks diet consists mostly of grasses, forbs, shrubs, tree bark, and twigs An elk’s stomach has four chambers: the first stores food, and the other three digest it Antlers = Only male elk have antlers; Bulls shed and grow a...

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Also known as the American buffalo (although it isn’t related to the true buffalo). Due to their large size few predators attack bison. However, wolf packs can take down a bison. There are even documented cases of a single wolf taking down bison The bison’s main food is grass. The rutting, or mating, season lasts from June through September with peak activity in July and August. At...

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Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus)

Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus)

Adult males = Billy; Adult females = Nannies; Babie = Kids Both male and female mountain goats have beards, short tails, and long black horns, 15–28 cm in length, which contain yearly growth rings. Male goats also have longer horns and a longer beard than nannies. The mountain goat’s feet have inner pads that provide traction and cloven hooves that can be spread apart as needed. Also,...

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What is Delayed Implantation?

What is Delayed Implantation?

Only the coolest part about being a momma bear! Did you know they are only REALLY pregnant for about 2 months?! Let me explain… North American Black bears usually mate in May and June, however, the cubs are not born until mid January. So, how are they pregnant for only 2 months you ask? Delayed Implantation is how. After mating, the fertilized egg develops into a tiny ball of cells or...

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Where do the Bears go in the Winter?

Where do the Bears go in the Winter?

Many people wonder where all the bears at Yellowstone Bear World go in the winter. The answer is that they all stay right here! Throughout the park there are dens that are set up year round that the bears sleep in. When winter begins to set in the bears gradually disappear into their dens. Some of the bears like to sleep alone, and other like to sleep with their friends. The dens are covered with...

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Bear Safety Tips

Bear Safety Tips

As promised, here are some great tips on how to stay safe when you’re in Bear Country. Keeping the surrounding area free of bear- attractants. Keep your trash in bear-resistant containers, don’t hang bird-feeders, and do not leave food, grease, or left-overs from meals lying out. You should also secure pet-food. If you are camping, then store your food in a bag and suspend it from a...

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